Donate to Mama D.O.C.
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Donate Needed Items
We currently need: reading
glasses. Non-prescription magnifying glasses in all sizes and strengths.
Many older people have pairs around that they've outgrown, for as eyes become
weaker, stronger magnifiers are needed. Please ask at your church or service
- books in Spanish, especially children's books.
- school supplies, including such simple basics as lined paper.
- art supplies, especially pastels, crayons, colored paper.
- shoes, especially in children's sizes. Tennis type or sturdy hiking shoes.
Also socks. These need to be in good condition.
- jeans and kids pants. All sizes from toddler up to about 34 waist (These
are small people.)
- battery operated radios and casette players
- small sewing machine that could be run off batteries. Or a small portable
sewing machine that could run on power from a car battery.
- homeopathic remedies and botanical (herbal) medicines and vitamins.
Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. This is a remnant culture,
as endangered as any plant, animal, or ecosystem.
Send donations to:
Cheryl Kolander, Director
5806 N. Vancouver Ave
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 286-4149
Fax: (503) 286-6247
Contact by email